Vision for the future
"We live in the dawning of a new age in which amazing technologies now make it possible to imagine that the pipe organ and its more than seven centuries of dynamic literature can be shared and appreciated by people around the globe. New audiences and composers for the organ who do not come to an awareness of it through its noble and venerable roles in Western church contexts wait to be introduced to its exciting and alluring inspirations." READ MORE
PHILLIP KLOECKNER'S musical soul has found deep resonance in a wide variety of contexts in many places around the globe. His mission is to bring positive, transformative, and inspiring energy to his audiences through the beauty and thoughtfulness of his interpretations of both standard and less-recognized literature, and through instinctive and intuitive improvisations. His most gratifying musical experiences continue to result from being part of uniting people through experiencing and sharing music. READ MORE
Latest news
Listen to my recordings of two newly-discovered organ works by Giacomo Puccini, recorded at Madonna della Strada Chapel at Loyola University in Chicago (courtesy Steven Betancourt) and premiered at the 2018 convention of the American Guild of Organists on July 4 in Kansas City. These are brief works for liturgical use that Puccini composed for his use during his early adult years as an organist in Lucca.
Listen to Performances
Listen to performances on both organ and harpsichord.